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Artist Bio: Bio

Artist Statement

Typomaniac. Words are continuously present within my work because I have an intense urge for using text. Compulsion. I write until I fill a space by repeating a word or sentences or just writing at random. Layers. I express my thoughts, memories and emotions through text as an act of self-revelation. Disclose. The act of revelation is simultaneously paired with concealment to suggest an uncomfortable feeling associated with revealing myself. Conceal. I cut the MDF into long repetitive strips to reflect the recurrence of my processes. Repetition. I can manipulate the MDF into forming shapes through applying pressure. Tension. I create shapes that are suggestive of the simplicity of text with curves, points, lines and angles. Sculpture. I display a collection of sculptures to represent the way I consistently write and sculpt. Collection. I exhibit my work based on intuition, allowing the moment to dictate what I do in the same way that I write. Automatic. The installation transitions between displays with alterations to the sculptures to enhance impermanence. Transformation. All work is an act of permanence and impermanence from the use of charcoal and paint, to the thoughts, to the sculptures, to the performative installation. (Im)permanent.

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